* Who's Who in Llanview: Markko Rivera | One Life to Live on Soap Central
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Geraldo "Markko" Rivera
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Actor History

Student at UCLA

Former student at Llanview University

Busboy at Buenos Dias Café (formerly Angel Square Diner)

Worked briefly as cameraman on David Vickers' reality TV show (2009)


Los Angeles, California

Formerly apartment with Cole Thornhart

Formerly Llanfair (1177 Regency Drive, Llanview, Pennsylvania)

Formerly with his parents in Llanview, Pennsylvania

Marital Status

Single/Never Been Married

Past Marriages



Ernesto Rivera (father)

Aurelia Rivera (mother)

Unnamed sisters



Flings & Affairs

Langston Wilde (dated; relationship consummated May 15, 2009)

Lola Montez (kissed)

Karen Meyers (living together, 2010)

Crimes Committed

Arrested for attempted murder of Robert Ford [Jun 2010]

Failed to call the police or medics after finding Robert Ford bludgeoned [Jun 2010]

Brief Character History

High school student Markko Rivera came on the scene in May 2007 during tryouts for the school musical at Llanview High School. His rough but confident personality immediately annoyed Langston Wilde, who challenged him to tryout. A strong dancer, Markko tried out on the spot and got a part. Markko was attracted to Langston, but also turned off by her tough exterior. Markko had a difficult time expressing his feelings to a cold Langston. Starr Manning, Langston's best friend, attempted to bring Langston and Markko together, but Langston insisted that she had no interest in Markko. Langston successfully hid her feelings for Markko, until she believed he had developed an interest in Starr. During the prom, English teacher Marcie McBain got ahead of herself and announced Markko and Langston as king and queen of the dance. After prom night, Langston revealed her true feelings for Markko and the two began dating.

Langston began to open up to Markko, but it was obvious she was hiding something. Alone one night, Langston propositioned Markko and asked him to make love to her. Although he cared deeply for Langston, Markko had respect for her and didn't feel the time was right for them to embark upon a sexual relationship. Insulted, Langston lashed out at Markko for turning down her advances. After Markko expressed his genuine feelings for Langston, she accepted his explanation and their relationship grew stronger than ever.

A few months into their relationship, Markko became concerned about the constant absence of Langston's parents. Sensing that something wasn't right, Starr's great-aunt Dorian Lord hired private investigator Rex Balsom to dig up information on Langston. Dorian learned that Langston had been orphaned and was living on her own for over a year. Langston couldn't believe that Dorian would pry into private information regarding her life. During a conversation at school, Langston talked with Starr about her parents' death, and they were overheard by fellow student Britney Jennings. Britney contacted Social Services, and Langston was horrified whenever she was placed in foster care. Starr's mother, Blair Cramer, was set to become Langston's foster mother but was unexpectedly called out of town. Instead, Dorian stepped in and became Langston's guardian. Langston soon moved into Dorian's home and happily continued her relationship with Markko.

After Starr became pregnant with Cole's baby, she decided to have an abortion before Cole and her family could learn about her pregnancy. At the last moment, Langston gave Cole the address to where Starr was. After convincing her to take the time to make the right decision, Cole and Starr returned to Llanview. Cole soon made plans to run away with Starr, and with Markko's help, they ran off to Virginia Beach. Dorian meanwhile found Langston hiding a pregnancy book and suspected that she was pregnant. Markko confirmed Dorian's suspicions, but the truth about Starr soon came out, leaving Markko off the hook.

Markko and Langston continued to get close, and Langston got closer than ever to the Cramers and agreed to be adopted by Dorian. But soon their world was turned upside down when it was revealed that Langston had an uncle in Columbia that she knew nothing about. The uncle, Ray Montez, showed up at Dorian's home in Llanview just as Dorian and Langston were celebrating the impending adoption. Dorian immediately knew that there was more to Ray than met the eye and she expedited efforts to adopt Langston. While at the courthouse to make her adoption of Langston official, Dorian and Langston were stunned when Ray entered the courtroom and demanded legal custody of his niece. The judge sided with Ray, who announced he planned to return to Columbia with Langston.

Everyone soon found out that Ray was a convicted killer who had been brought to Llanview by Clint Buchanan, who hoped to use the threat of losing Langston to convince Dorian to give back control of Buchanan Enterprises. Dorian refused to cower to Clint's demands, however, and Langston prepared to leave with her uncle. She told Markko she wanted to break up so he could see other people, but Markko refused and said he would find a way to see her again.

At the airport, as Ray and Langston prepared to depart, a hit man that Dorian had hired to kill Ray pulled out his gun and prepared to shoot. But Dorian had second thoughts and shouted that the man had a gun, moments before he could fire. Police detective John McBain disarmed the hit man, but then Ray's wife Vanessa -- who had just arrived at the airport from Columbia with Ray's daughter Lola -- picked up the gun and shot Ray. Ray was returned to prison in Columbia, while Langston and Markko tried to get on with their lives in Llanview.

Langston befriended her cousin Lola and convinced her to run away when immigration officials threatened to deport her and Vanessa. Cristian ended up marrying Vanessa, which meant that Lola could stay in the states. She got closer to Langston and Markko, and neither Langston nor Markko were aware that Lola harbored a crush on Markko. Markko was upset to realize that his friend Cole was doing drugs and tried to convince him to stop, but Cole would not be reasoned with. Markko got a letter from UCLA saying he had been accepted into film school there, but Markko was torn about leaving Langston. When Langston learned Markko had been accepted to college, she assumed he meant Llanview University and Markko didn't correct her. Later, when Langston found the letter, Markko admitted that he had been accepted to UCLA but said he wasn't going to go because he wanted to stay close to Langston.

Markko and Langston were shocked when her uncle Ray returned to town and declared that he had been cleared of all charges in his first wife's murder. Vanessa had confessed to setting up Ray, although she claimed she had not killed Ray's first wife. Lola and Ray moved in to La Boulaie, where Langston was staying. In March 2009, Langston and Markko attended the spring dance at school. Lola, who had tagged along, shocked Markko when she planted a kiss on him. Lola said she was sorry and asked Markko not to tell Langston, and he agreed to keep it secret. Later, Lola came up behind Markko at the Buenos Dias diner where he worked and began to kiss on his neck. Markko thought she was Langston, and when he realized it was Lola he threatened to tell Langston. But Lola said she would tell Langston how much he enjoyed her kissing him, which Markko didn't dispute, and Markko said nothing to Langston about what her cousin had done.

Weeks later, Langston interrupted Lola and Markko again in the kitchen but this time Markko admitted that Lola had been hitting on him for weeks. Langston was furious at her cousin and told her she would never come between her and her man. Langston and Markko decided to make love for the first time after prom, and they rented a room at the Palace Hotel for the occasion. Langston told Markko he needed to buy the condoms, but when he went to the pharmacy he ran into a friend of his mother's and almost lost his nerve. Dorian had provided Langston with a gold case of French condoms for her special night. Unbeknownst to Langston and Markko, Lola set out to sabotage their prom night by poking holes in the condoms. After Lola dropped acid and confessed what she had done to Ray and Dorian, Dorian called Langston and warned her not to use the condoms. Markko said he never intended to use the condoms Dorian had provided and instead brought out the ones he had purchased. The two then made love.

Markko was named valedictorian of Llanview High School and graduated in front of his proud parents, Ernesto and Aurelia Rivera, and his girlfriend Langston. Langston asked Dorian to host a graduation party for Markko at La Boulaie so she could get to know Markko's parents. Unfortunately, Dorian had just been dumped by Ray Montez, who moved out of town to be with Lola, who had been committed to a sanitarium. Dorian proceeded to get drunk and, after confusing the Riveras for the help, blurted out to Markko's parents that Langston and Markko had had sex on prom night. The Riveras stormed out, taking Markko with them, and Langston threw Dorian in the pool. The Riveras refused to let Markko see Langston. Dorian tried to make it up to them by befriending Aurelia and then organizing a dinner party for the Riveras and all of the people Dorian had betrayed. But the party only made matters worse, and Ernesto told Markko that he would be kicked out of their home if he continued to date Langston. Markko stood up to his father and ended up without a place to stay, but Viki and Charlie agreed to let Markko stay with them at Llanfair.

Markko was grateful for Viki and Charlie's generosity but felt out of place at Llanfair. He was getting burned out working double shifts at the Buenos Dias Café, but refused to accept Langston's offer of a loan to help him pay for his school expenses. When David Vickers returned to town, hoping to film a reality TV show, Langston got Markko hired as the cameraman. Markko soon found himself in the middle of a shootout, when Clint Buchanan began firing his rifle at David after David tried to film his program at the Buchanan mansion. Markko got jealous when he walked in on Langston chatting with the sexy producer of the TV show, Ford. She explained that Ford liked her idea of turning the show into a romance. But his jealousy soon gave way to passion, and he and Langston had sex in the stables. Markko moved in with Cole Thornhart in the fall of 2009 and both began attending classes at Llanview University. After Markko's mother threatened to leave his father, Ernesto came around and accepted Markko's relationship with Langston. Markko and Langston were horrified when his parents saw footage that Markko had filmed of Markko and Langston having sex, but his parents quickly put the incident behind them after Starr pointed out that much worse things could be happening.

Markko was excited to be taking a film class at LU in the beginning of 2010, only to learn that Ford had returned to Llanview and would be helping to teach the class. Langston told Markko he had no reason to be jealous of Ford, but she secretly made out with him during her 18th birthday party and told Blair that she had been fantasizing about Ford while having sex with Markko. Langston and Ford soon began a torrid affair, while Langston struggled to pretend that nothing was amiss. When Markko and Star questioned Langston about her erratic behavior, Langston attributed her mood swings and late nighters to the high school musical she was writing. Markko nearly caught Langston and Ford on several occasions; once, he found a button in Ford's office that had popped off of Langston's blouse during one of their encounters, but Langston brushed it off and Markko failed to question her further. After Starr came home to find Langston and Ford together, with an open condom wrapper on the floor, Langston admitted she was sleeping with Ford. Langston begged Starr not to tell Markko or Cole, and Starr reluctantly agreed. Under pressure from Starr to break it off with Ford, Langston shocked Starr by telling her she really wanted to be with Ford. Starr told Cole, believing that Markko was about to find out, but then Langston thought better of coming clean and instead lied to Starr and Cole that she had broken up with Ford. She continued to carry on with Ford behind everyone's backs, and even met Ford at the same hotel room at the Palace Hotel where she and Markko had made love for the first time. When Markko showed up, believing a famous film producer was staying there, Ford invited Markko into the room, even though Langston was hiding out in the bathroom.

Markko, still clueless about Langston's deception, planned a special night for Langston's senior prom, even booking the hotel room where they first made love. During the prom, however, Markko discovered that Langston was cheating on him with Ford after watching a taped conversation between Destiny and Matthew. After failing to locate Langston, Markko stormed over to Ford's apartment and caught the two of them together. Langston tried to explain, but Markko was so angry he hit Ford before telling Langston that they were through and stormed out. Markko packed his bags and went to the Buenos Dias Café, where he confided what had happened to Layla and Cristian and said he planned to sleep there overnight. At one point during the evening, Markko washed his bloody hands in the kitchen sink. The next morning, he went to the hospital to get his hand bandaged and saw Ford being wheeled into the hospital, in critical condition after someone had bludgeoned him in the head while he slept in bed. Markko denied any involvement, but later admitted to Téa that he had lied to the police and had gone back to Ford's apartment later that night. The police then arrived and arrested him, citing as evidence a pair of blood-stained shoes that Markko had dumped in the dumpster behind the diner.

Langston falsely confessed to the police that she had bludgeoned Ford to free Markko. The police realized neither of them was guilty after eavesdropping on a conversation between them. Markko admitted that he had gone to Ford's apartment but got there after he had been bludgeoned; assuming Ford was already dead, Markko returned to the diner without notifying authorities. Markko rejected Langston's attempts to reconnect with him. In July, Markko told Starr and Cole, and later Langston, that he had been accepted into film school at UCLA. He was moving to California with Karen, the pizza girl who had been having an affair with Ford and hoped to pursue an acting career. Markko told Langston he still cared for her and kissed her, but then told her that he couldn't forget what happened. They shared a bittersweet goodbye, and Markko left to pursue his dream.

In September 2010, Langston was stunned to bump into Markko at the coffee shop in Llanview. Markko explained he had returned because his father was having heart bypass surgery. Langston questioned why Markko hadn't told her, but Markko couldn't believe she would expect to be notified. Langston said she thought they could be friends eventually, but Markko said that wouldn't be possible. Langston then realized that Markko and Karen had become more than friends in Los Angeles. Markko said he would be returning to Los Angeles after his dad's surgery and said goodbye to Langston.

Markko surprised Langston when he showed up in Llanview in April 2011, having just been hired by Dorian to direct a movie on the life of her new husband, David Vickers. Dorian wanted Langston to write the screenplay, and Markko came to town to convince Langston to move to Los Angeles so they could work on the movie together. Markko told Langston that he and Karen were no longer dating, giving Langston hope that perhaps there was still a future for them, and she agreed to move to Los Angeles with Markko.

In January 2012, Starr moved to Los Angeles with Hope to record her own album. She visited with Markko and Langston and told them that Cole was actually alive but that she would probably never see him again. A man came to the door and told Starr that Todd wanted her to have a bodyguard, who turned out to be Cole. Cole said he had reunited with his parents but wanted to be with his family, which was Starr and Hope. Starr and Cole shared a joyous reunion with Langston and Markko.

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